
Administrative help and consulate services:

Citizens Advice

Iraqi Embassy


Government, voting and citizenship:

UK Government website

Find your local council

British Citizenship

UK voter registration

Multilingual information for asylum seekers


Reporting crime, domestic violence and child protection:

Reporting a hate crime

24-hour National Domestic Violence Freephone Helpline: 0808 2000 247

Supporting young people online (in Arabic)

Keeping children safe online

Police non-emergency number: Call 101


Other organisations and advice services:

Shelter (Housing / Homelessness advice)

Mind (Mental health support)

Freedom From Torture

Law Centres Network

Refugee Action

Refugee Council

NHS urgent medical help / advice: Call 111 or visit website


Household safety

Smell gas? National Gas Emergency Service 24 hours a day: 0800 111 999

Power cuts? Call 105