
Iraqi child

What is the IraqChild Project?

We’re painfully aware that nearly half of Iraq’s children suffer from multidimensional poverty (see UNICEF’s Country Office Annual Report 2023 here.

In 2007 we launched the IraqChild Project to help some of the neediest children in Baghdad.

Mobile Clinic

Thanks to donations, we now have two vans we’ve converted into mobile clinics.

This allows our volunteer doctors to travel to areas of conflict and displacement to provide children with free treatment and medication for conditions such as scabies, deformities and malnutrition.

Iraqi child
Iraqi child


Our project also funds a Children’s Educational Resource Centre in Baghdad’s Al Thawra district.

We currently have 60 children of primary school age enrolled, as well as fifteen 7 to 12-year-olds.

A number of the children who attend have disabilities, speech or learning difficulties.

The centre’s paid staff and volunteers provide additional educational and creative activities.

We need your help

The IraqChild Project relies on donations to continue its vital work. Find our latest appeal here [Linkto ‘IraqChild Christmas Appeal 2023’ PDF ] for the latest updates.

You can help us make a real difference to children’s lives by contributing today.

Thank you.

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